The directives


The European policy about the construction of the network relies on Birds Directive 79/409/CEE (currently replaced by the new one 2009/147/CE), relating to wild birds protection, and on Habitats Directive 92/43/CEE, relating to the preservation of natural and semi-natural habitats, plants and wild animals.



The 6Th article from the Habitats Directive forces the Member States to establish conservation measures in the designated sites.
Each Member State is free to decide the method to adopt, which can be contractual, administrative and regulatory and has to be able to avoid the decline of the sites and allow their reinstatement and conservation. This procedure, in Italy, is laid down by the management plans, specific for each site and integrated with other planning elements. They allow to preventively identify difficulties with the site owners and users ,  define the means of intervention and plan a long term conservation site.