The Logo

Why choose the stork?

The white stork, Ciconia ciconia, is the emblem of the Piana di Gela.

40 couples nest in the area of Golfo di Gela: infact, it is the biggest Italian colony, famous for the Cicogna Day, which involves hundreds of enthusiasts.

The stork has produced a big interest and wonder since forever for its size, the characteristic plumage and the aptitude to colonize anthropic environments, therefore it has been included both in the literature and the ancient legends.

Besides its emblematic importance, this species has also a considerable role as environmental bioindicator: studies on white stork populations can be used to point out environmental problems such as the disappearance of moist areas and the changes due to modern agro-pastoral techniques.

The presence of stork populations means that the environment still has favourable conditions.

Can the environment stand an economy without modifying the natural and semi-natural habitats?

This consideration has become our  starting point to promote the local sustainability and C.I.CO.G.NA has become an important acronym whose aim is to act as possible springboard to sustainable activities in the local territory in symbiosis with the safeguard and the preservation of nature.


The letter O summarizes, through the use of key words, the basics and the objectives of Natura 2000 network and the whole logo  functions as a high quality brand of the services (Tourist services in this case) of the territory.

No bureaucratic procedures or international certifications are needed.

Through the professional and scientific contribution of the environmental associations involved, C.I.CO.G.NA  2000 acts as a filter and picks the virtuous and sustainable realities in the district.

So, C.I.CO.G.NA 2000 and its logo want to represent a direction, an alternative and responsible offer for the tourist who is respectful towards the environment, curious about the customs and lover of the local culture.


You will find the logo in five different chromatic versions, depending on which environment you are considering:

BLUE:  littoral zone

LIGHT BLUE: rivers, lakes and marshlands

GREEN: Woods

YELLOW: agrarian environments linked  to the steppe and the grain

RED:  basic logo of the message, officially used as  presentation  of the project.